16 February 2011

today I'm healing

It's the first blog post that always trips me up. Say I do this for years and years and years; will anyone ever dig their way back through the muck, back to this first post to see if I said anything profound or prophetic?

I honestly don't know. I've had a few blogs over the years - a few anonymous blogs - and once I've gotten through said anonymous stage in my life, I've taken them down, erased any trace from the web. The longest lasted just over a year.

This one, though...I'm pretty sure this is going to be a keeper.
For one, I'm not using a psuedonym. Everything I say here is going to be me saying it and not some little piece of my persona that I'm trying on, working through. I certainly hope there isn't a point where I'm done with me to the point that I need to erase words I claim as my own from the web.

This one is going to be a lot of things, too. Musings, memories, rants and such, but also a daily log of something new I'm starting. I'm making some radical changes to how I live in the hopes that doing so makes some radical changes to how I feel.

Oh, I'm also still trying to figure out what I'm going to be when I grow up. So I'll probably share some of the things I've done as well as what I'm doing along the way.

There. Not so much to live up to if someone looks back a decade from now. If we still blog a decade from now, that is.

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